For a collection of parent poms, arranged in a hierarchy, e.g.,
A (is parent of) B (is parent of) C, all at version e.g. "1-SNAPSHOT"

when I put all of these into an "aggregate" project, specifying
<modules> A, B, and C, the

mvn release:prepare -DdryRun=true

works fine, but the

mvn release:prepare

fails when it tries to resolve the parent of B and looks for a version
"1" (without the SNAPSHOT), which obviously isn't in any repo (because
it's one of the set being released).

Is there a way to release all of these together, or do I have to have 3
individual release votes, waiting in each case for the "1" version to
reach the central repo before commencing with the release:prepare of the
the next lower one in the hierarchy?

-Marshall Schor

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