I hope someone can explain this to me.

I have a project that depends on org.drools:drools-compiler:5.1.0.SNAPSHOT,
which can be found in

Now, the pom of that project declares several compile-scope dependencies as
well.  Let's consider janino.

If I run mvn dependency:tree on my project, I can see the drools-compiler
dependency, but it shows up in the tree without any of *its* dependencies.
That is, no janino shows up.

If I run mvn dependency:tree on drools-compiler itself, I can see the janino
dependency, marked correctly as compile scope.

If I drop the drools version back to 5.0.1 (a release version), then the
transitive dependencies show up fine.

Since I'm quite familiar with and used to transitive dependencies, what's
going on here?


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