
I need some advice. I need to copy config file from one subproect to another. I know one way to solve this problem. I can spesify this cofig files as resourses in one subproject and spesify the second subproject as being dependent from the first one.

But I have two problems:

1. This config files have to be unjared. (P6SpyDriver wants its config file - spy.properties - not to be in jar)

2. To test the second subprojct I need to use testing version of the config files from the first one.

I'm going to copy config files and their testing versions from the first subproject to the second one:







<ant:copy todir="${maven.test.dest}">

<fileset dir="${reactorProjects.get(0).context.getVariable('maven.test.dest')}">

<include name=spy.properties"/>

<include name="OJB*.*"/>



<>Would it be the right desision?


Maksimenko Alexander

Softwarium, www.softwarium.net

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