looks good to me... will apply when I get a chance.


On Mon, 28 Jun 2004 15:09:56 -0600, Leif Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> After 6 months...  I wrote a small patch..  MPARTIFACT-22.  I started with
> the latest HEAD version of the artifact plugin in CVS.  This adds the
> "scpexe://" protocol to the artifact plugin.  Provides eqivalent
> funcionality to the old maven.ssh.executable and maven.scp.executable
> properties.
> Here's an example build.properties entry, using this.
> maven.repo.list=t1
> maven.repo.t1=scpexe://t1.somewhere.com
> maven.repo.t1.directory=/www/maven
> maven.repo.t1.username=myname
> maven.repo.t1.group=mygroup
> maven.repo.t1.ssh.executable=plink
> maven.repo.t1.ssh.args=-C
> maven.repo.t1.scp.executable=pscp
> maven.repo.t1.scp.args=-C
> --Leif

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