Can't you order the tasks inside Ant?

On 15/07/2010 2:31 AM, Wim Deblauwe wrote:
I do not think this really a big improvement. In my usecase, I need to do 4
things in a defined order in the after-package, so you are just moving the
problem. A real ordering of plugin execution during the phases is what I
really need. I admit that I just recently had a need for it after using
Maven 2 for more then 2 years on various (big) projects, so it is rare I
think that you need it, but if you do, you *really* need it.

2010/7/14 Gorham-Engard, Frank<>

Hello users,
I have an alternate suggestion to the phase/goal ordering issues that are
often raised here.
Allow for the specification of<phase>  to include a 'before-' or 'after-'
Users could specify the<phase>  for a plugin execution to be, for example,
'before-deploy' or 'after-package'. This wouldn't break the life-cycle model
while permitting a constrained method for expanding it.
Also, any 'after-' phases should be executed when the phase is the target.
For example, if I specified a plugin for 'after-deploy' it would be executed
(at the end) when the command line was 'mvn deploy'.
Perhaps even 'before-before-test' should be allowed as well? But not
'before-after-test', let's not go there!

<!-- Frank Gorham-Engard →
"Be kinder than necessary.
   Everyone you work with is fighting some kind of battle."

-----Original Message-----
From: Wim Deblauwe []
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 5:10 AM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Running antrun plugin twice in same phase with another plugin in


I need to run the antrun plugin twice in the packaging phase. I found this
on the wiki:

However, it speaks of different lifecycle phases. I tried with the same
phase and that works, however, I need to run another plugin in between. Is
this possible?

I was hoping that all plugins' executions would be sorted by their id. That
way, i could use id's like 'step-1-do-something',
'step-2-do-something-else', to force a certain order of plugin execution.



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