Have you tried the jelly thread tag?

On Tue, 29 Jun 2004 15:23:53 +0200, Jesper Linvald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I been trying to get the ant parallel task to work with no success :(
> In my goal I have:
>         <parallel>
>                 <sequential>
>                         <attainGoal name="weblogic:server-start"/>
>                         <waitfor maxwait="3" maxwaitunit="minute"
> checkevery="100" checkeveryunit="millisecond">
>                             <http url=
> "http://localhost:7001/console/login/LoginForm.jsp"/>
>                         </waitfor>
>                         <attainGoal name="selfservice:weblogic-deploy"; />
>                 </sequential>
>         </parallel>
> The "weblogic:server-start" uses the java task to startup a weblogic
> server (fork=true)
> The starts up fine but nothing more happens - I never get to the
> "selfservice:weblogic-deploy"; - the server blocks the process...
> Can anybody tell me what I might be doing wrong?
> I also tried prepending "ant" to the tags (<ant:parallel>) but this makes
> no difference...
> Best regards
> Jesper Linvald
> Tel no.: +45 3911 1891

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