Thanks Dennis.

This helped a lot.  One last issue I have, and am not sure how to
resolve, is that I need Axis1 & Axis2 generated source.  Is that
possible by defining two different plugin sections that point to
different versions of axistools?  Or do I need to do something else?

On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 4:05 PM, Dennis Lundberg <> wrote:
> The generated files are included when Maven compiles your source files,
> provided you add the proper <execution> that is shown on the simple
> configuration page.

I found out after some reading that they do get compiled automatically
as part of the 'install' goal, which is good enough for me.

> If you have a file in your project that is a wsdl file, you should use
> the <wsdlFiles> parameter instead of <urls>, like this
> <wsdlFiles>
>  <wsdlFile>schema/myspec.wsdl</wsdlFile>
> </wsdlFiles>

OK.. apparently <url/> worked, but I'll change it to <wsdlFiles/> to
be more precise.
>  Or are there some better resources that what is
>> available at the plugin's website?

This confused me a bit; it was hard to tell why some of the values
were being used.  I am using 1.4, since I just started working on this
this morning..

Greg Akins

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