
On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 9:02 AM, Greg Akins <> wrote:
> I'm setting up a Maven build in Hudson.  I can use the Maven "deploy"
> goal to deploy the artifacts; but Hudson has a "Post-build" task to
> deploy artifacts.

That plugin describes why it exists, and I believe it to be still valid.

> Are there pros/cons to doing either?  Or is it a non-issue?  Is anyone
> else doing this and do either of the approaches cause problems?

I use simple deploy goal but with some additional setup in Hudson
which turns the issue the plugin solves into a non-issue. All of my
multi-module Maven projects are split up using a 1 Hudson job per
Maven module strategy. This lets me achieve high job throughput, high
rates of parallelism using Hudson's own executors, or taking advantage
of slave nodes.

It also is advantageous when you have lots of little in-house
libraries which are used scattershot throughout your modules, in
conjunction with -SNAPSHOT dependencies, additionally in conjuction
with Hudson's build when upstream projects are successful. Since only
what should recompile will, and you'll likely flush out issues quicker
and closer to where they affect downstream.

Lots of little jobs all building quickly gets you status fast. And it
scales quite well.. especially when you combine this with a MRM like

Good luck,

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that can read binary and those that can not.

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