Benson,Wayne! Thnkx a ton for your input, you know what it just worked for me...
The below did the trick...
1st profile:
   <id>test 1</id>

2nd profile:
   <id>test 2</id>

Thnkx to wendy,anders and to all of you who spent your valuable time on 
answering my idiotic question.....

There are 10 people working in my team including me, To the question when I 
asked to my team, I got replies that multiple profile execution is not 
possible.... But now I can proudly demo them and justify multiple profile 
execution indeed works well...

This forum just rocks....

Many thnkx...


-----Original Message-----
From: Wayne Fay [] 
Sent: Saturday, August 28, 2010 2:32 AM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: RE: Multiple profile execution in maven

As Benson already said... you will need to use distinct execution ids
when you have multiple declarations of plugins in multiple profiles.

Go here:

Then scroll down to Configuring Build Plugins and Using the
<executions/> Tag. You will need to read and really understand that
section to make this work as you expect.


On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 3:33 PM, Sridhar Laxmipuram Srinivasan
<> wrote:
> Multiple profile execution is the actual requirement for me, since maven 
> supports this I am trying to debug why the heck it is not working, I have a 
> workaround which I am using that is put individual profile execution in a 
> shell script and execute them and I works fine, but I want to utilize maven 
> utility to the fullest, may be the word experimenting mislead you, I have 
> configured surefire report directory to be unique, so there is no chance one 
> overwriting the other, if you look at my pom you will know, directories are 
> *Comments1* and *Comments*
> Thnkx
> sridharl
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Benson Margulies []
> Sent: Saturday, August 28, 2010 1:41 AM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Re: RE: Multiple profile execution in maven
> I think that what the OP needs to know is that, to get multiple
> executions from multiple profiles, each one has to have a distinctive
> execution ID, not the default.

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