Brilliant .. simply brilliant :o)

"Dion Gillard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Wed, 30 Jun 2004 10:45:50 +0200, Per Holst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Hi,
> >
> > I've been trying to tamper a bit with Maven, as I thought it might be
> > helpfull in our own development cycle. But I can't seem to get it to
> >
> > Installation - ok.
> > Integration - ok
> > Use ... (maven site) not a chance. CVS just doesn't work. I'm presented
> > the following information:
> >
> > maven-changelog-plugin:report:
> >     [echo] Generating the changelog report
> > Didn't find password for CVSROOT
> > ':pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/javacvs'.
> > org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.connection.AuthenticationException: Wrong
> > Password.
> > ChangeLog found: 0 entries
> Change log goes looking in ${user.home}/.cvspass . There is a
> documented way of creating this file. See
> > where [username] is my username and [hostname] is the cvs-server
hostname -
> > funny part is the password in that file works for: Ant, commandline cvs,
> > WinCvs.
> Changelog uses a NetBeans library that doesn't use your CVS executable.
> > Another puzzle: My %HOME% environment variable point to drive H: where
> > .cvspass file resides. If I don't have a .cvspass file in C:\documents
> > settings\[username] maven will say, that there's no .cvspass.
> See above.
> > If I run "maven scm:checkout-project" I get the following:
> The scm plugin uses your cvs executable, as its a wrapper on the ant
> cvs tasks. We call this 'inconsistency'.

LOL - 'inconsistent' is what it is

> > Which - to me - looks like different implementations of the same
> > Getting the cvs-password from the .cvspass file Maybe someone should
have a
> > look or run Simian.
> You're right. They're not consistent.
> > Why is there no single simple test project you can tamper with?
> There are. Maven is one. There is also the source for the examples plugin.
> See if you're
> willing to check out the source.

Perhaps if I'd look better, I'd completely miss the entire world :o)

> > Why is there less documentation than for Ant - and by less I mean a lot
> > less, not the *nix "less is more" ?
> Ant is a lot more mature, and has had a lot of time to build

I must say, they didn't do that much better in providing documentation,
which is tested thoroughly or really explains the workings - try scp with a
keyfile. Or try to get a clean overview of internal properties you can use.

> > Are the main developers - once again - writing a "HOWTO"-book that they
> > earn the money they don't earn on the OSS project? Is there a deadline
> > such a book?
> >
> > Which parameter should you provide when trying to get a CVS-changelog? -
> > mean, changelog between which versions/tags - something ought to be
> Changelog doesn't do changelogs between versions or tags, it does a
> changelog of recent changes. See
> See
> for how you can customise the changelog plugin.
> > I hope that someone will provide an ounce of information - otherwise
> > have to discard the idea of using Maven, at least for a while.
> Hope that helps.

Apart from helping, put a smile back on my face :o)


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