
Setting up a nexus is two minutes work, and then makes you easier the
ongoing config/add every days.

But anyway, yes, you can install properly a resource into the local
repository. Just google install:install-file to find doc about that goal.
Before doing that, you should triple-check on the web that this jar hasn't
already been deployed to central maven repository under some path.
Because if so, you deploy it locally in another path and someone uses the
version on the public path, you're gonna end up in classpath-hell.


2010/9/15 Daniel Rindt <dri...@visetics.com>

> Am Mittwoch, den 15.09.2010, 10:20 +0200 schrieb per-henrik hedman:
> > you only need to define your dependency in your pom.xml and then maven
> > will take care of it, but you will have to define it for yourself, as
> > the version of the javamail needs to be correct, and only you know
> > what version you are using, right?
> I understand that maven takes care about. But how to define this
> external jar file? So first i have to import it into my ~/.m2 repo?
> Sorry but a repository and nexus stuff is to much for me.
> The version i use is classpathx-mail-1.1.1.
> Can you please give me a example?
> many TIA
> Daniel

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