On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 5:30 PM, David Karr <davidmichaelk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I work on a pretty large project that uses Ant for builds. We're doing some
> research on converting to Maven.  I'd like to describe some of the elements
> of our situation, hopefully to find some conceptual "cookbook" strategies
> for those aspects.

I just did the same thing..

The biggest problem I ran into was that many of our builds created
multiple jars.  Since Maven is really designed around a "one jar per
project" much of my work was made easier if I split projects up into
individual projects.

Nexus was a great time saver.. You can take existing jars and put them
into the repo so that you can build from them until you get them

Finally, I left some builds in Ant because they will take a bit more
thought to mavenize, but I used Ivy to pull the jars from Nexus so I
don't have to worry about copying jars anymore.

I wish everything was in Maven so I could start using the master poms,
but this has been a pretty painless starting point.
Greg Akins


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