AFAIK, optional being true just marks the dep as not being required
transitively, but if you can get your hands on it, then use it.

provided means that it's not required transitively...

so if A.jar has optional on.jar B and provided on C.jar and you have D.war
depending on A.jar then

D.war/WEB-INF/lib will include B.jar and not C.jar

_In_theory_, I suspect that if you could not find B.jar in any of your
repo's then the build of D.war should not fail... but with the proviso that
if you cannot get B.jar then building A.jar will fail.

_In_practice_, I have always had to build A.jar so I have always had to have
B.jar in my local repo and I have never been able to test what happens.

Note: Kohsuke has used optional=true in hudson plugins to imply intra plugin
optional dependencies, but he had to do work to make that happen.

In general I avoid using the whole optional thing as it's just too unclear
what it should mean... it may be one of those bits of crust that got into
the pom that we have not removed because we cannot change the pom format
until M3.1


On 23 September 2010 19:41, Max Bowsher <> wrote:

> It seems to me that in a Maven dependency, <scope>provided</scope> and
> <optional>true</optional> have incredibly similar semantics (though
> there is an implied difference in meaning to humans).
> Is there actually any circumstances where one vs. the other produces
> differing behaviour?
> Max.

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