Hello everyone,

I'm trying to get maven to checkout projects using the -P flag, which stands for "prune empty directories". This flag is quite useful since CVS does not really provide an option to remove directories and this flag is the only way (as far as I know) to extract a clean copy of a project.

I've been looking around and there doesn't seem to be a way to pass a flag to the checkout command (and not the cvs command). I might be totally wrong and I could use some help :)

To sum up, currently the command produced is :

[INFO] Executing: cmd.exe /X /C "cvs -z3 -f -d :pserver:<login>@<url>:/<cvsroot> -q checkout -d <folderName> <myproject>"

And I'd like it to look like this :

[INFO] Executing: cmd.exe /X /C "cvs -z3 -f -d :pserver:<login>@<url>:/<cvsroot> -q checkout -P -d <folderName> <myproject>"

Thanks in advance !


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