On Sun, 03 Oct 2010 17:09:54 +0200
Dirk Reske <d...@studiorga.de> wrote:

>   Hello,
> this was, what I'm looking for.
> Is something like this also possible for my api (normal jar files) and 
> ejb projects?
Usually, you would want to add all the EJBs and JARs into an EAR file, so there 
is no reason for merging them into one file. Also, every war file usually 
deploys to a different context path, so again no reason to merge them together, 
that is exactly what EAR was invented for. Everything else is just bad design. 
Maven helps you in this way that when you build the EAR, it will download the 
dependent JARs/EJBs from the repository.


> thanks
> Dirk
> Am 03.10.2010 16:55, schrieb Justin Edelson:
> > Yes, you can do this with war overlays (see the docs for maven-war-plugin) 
> > and/or the assembly plugin.
> >
> > On Oct 3, 2010, at 10:27 AM, Dirk Reske<d...@studiorga.de>  wrote:
> >
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >> so I will get a separation by project type (web, ejb, ear).
> >> But want I want, is a separation by functionality.
> >>
> >> Lets take a webshop example.
> >> I have the core module, which includes the main web.xml in the web     
> >> sub-module, some core services in the api/impl sub-modules.
> >> Than I have the admin module, which includes the webpages for the shop 
> >> administrators in the web submodule and the needed services in api/impl.
> >> etc.
> >>
> >> In the end a super-web module should merge the contents of core/web, 
> >> admin/web, etc to one webapp.
> >> A super impl module should merge the contents of the core/impl and 
> >> admin/impl to one ejb module
> >>
> >> And than a ear module should build an ear out of these thwo artifacts.
> >>
> >> So it should be possible that a developer only checks out the admin module 
> >> from the scm an have all webpages, services, entities needed by the admin 
> >> functionalities in the sub-modules.
> >>
> >> Dirk
> >> Am 03.10.2010 16:07, schrieb Martin Gainty:
> >>> Dirk-
> >>>
> >>> i would configure a separate war-artifact pom.xml in MyProject folder 
> >>> something like
> >>>    <artifactId>war-artifact</artifactId>
> >>> groupId..
> >>> version..
> >>>
> >>> <!-- assuming the /core/web contents are copied to folder called core-web 
> >>> in MyProject folder -->
> >>> <!-- ASSUMING users/web contents are copied to folder called users-web in 
> >>> MyProject folder -->
> >>> <!-- ASSUMING admin/web contents are copied to folder called admin-web in 
> >>> MyProject folder -->
> >>> <!-- which contains these modules -->
> >>>    <modules>
> >>>      <module>core-web</module>
> >>>      <module>users-web</module>
> >>>      <module>admin-web</module>
> >>>    </modules>
> >>>
> >>> for building the ear ..follow antonios advice
> >>>
> >>> Viel Gluck!
> >>> Martin Gainty
> >>> ______________________________________________
> >>> Verzicht und Vertraulichkeitanmerkung
> >>>
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> >>> von E-Mails koennen wir keine Haftung fuer den Inhalt uebernehmen.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>> Date: Sun, 3 Oct 2010 15:48:04 +0200
> >>>> Subject: Re: Multiple projects ->  one artifact
> >>>> From: antonio.petre...@gmail.com
> >>>> To: users@maven.apache.org
> >>>>
> >>>> 2010/10/3 Dirk Reske<d...@studiorga.de>:
> >>>>> is it possible to build one artifact out of multiple projects.
> >>>>> We are trying to modularize the development.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Example:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> MyProject
> >>>>> |-- core
> >>>>> |       |--api
> >>>>> |       |--impl
> >>>>> |       |--web
> >>>>> |-- users
> >>>>> |       |--api
> >>>>> |       |--impl
> >>>>> |       |--web
> >>>>> |-- admin
> >>>>> |       |--api
> >>>>> |       |--impl
> >>>>> |       |--web
> >>>>>
> >>>>> this should results in the following ear file
> >>>>> myproject.ear
> >>>>> |--lib/myproject-api.jar (the entity classes, service interfaces, etc)
> >>>>> |--myproject-impl.ear (the ejb module)
> >>>>> |--myproject-web.ear (the web module)
> >>>>>
> >>>>> So, if I add a module MyProject/myproject-web, is there a configuration,
> >>>>> so that this war module merges the contents of the existing "*/web"
> >>>>> modules to one war file?
> >>>> I think that this link might answer all your questions about JEE
> >>>> development with Maven:
> >>>> http://docs.codehaus.org/display/MAVENUSER/Developing+JEE+projects+with+Maven
> >>>>
> >>>> Antonio
> >>>>
> >>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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> >>>>

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Stefan Seidel
VUB Printmedia GmbH
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tel.    +49 (341) 9 60 50 93
fax.    +49 (341) 9 60 50 92
mail.   ssei...@vub.de 
web.    www.vub.de

VUB Printmedia GmbH
HRB Köln 24015
GF Dr. A. Preuss Neudorf, Dr. C. Preuss Neudorf

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