I just spend the morning setting up the site plugin and reporting for
a new project.

It is a parent with children.

The parent has a site.xml with some custom navigation to add
additional pages to the menu. The site specified 2.1.1 for the
maven-site-plugin in the build/pluginManagement, and m-p-i-r-p version
2.2 in reporting/plugins.

I've called out 2.7 of the javadoc plugin in reporting as well, and
turned off test-javadoc by using reportSets to enable only the
'javadoc' report.

I should say, having whined about the site plugin in the the past,
that this runs in a reasonable amount of time and is not doing
anything really bizarre from the log output.


Running site:site, the child projects, which do not have anything at
all in src/site, get no navigation at all. Not even the default menu
to their reports. All the content is generated, but the index.html
does not have any navigation.

Before I go add cookie-cutter site.xml files to all of them, can
anyone rescue me?

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