Im trying to construct an assembly descriptor to replicate the output of our
ant tasks.  Ive run into a few issues with filtering

1) is there a way to do a mass rename on filter?
  the current setup gives a special *.vpp extention to files that need to be
filtered with velocity.  after filters have been applied, the .vpp extention
is stripped off and the resulting xml, sh, dat, etc file is used in the
distribution.   Does maven support this? ive looked over the documentation
and nothing seems to suggest it does.  Specifying individual files is not
workable because the number of files to be filtered is quite large, and
developers are free to add files when needed.
2) During the filtering process - is there a way to throw an error and fail
the build if one or more properties are not found?  Ant does this quite
nicely, but maven just ignores any missing properties.

3)  When trying to use shared assembly descriptors, it seems
componentDescriptors are not supported.  When i try to use the shared
assembly, i get an error:
Error reading assemblies: Failed to locate component descriptor:

the top of my shared assembly file looks like this:

I made sure the file src/assemblies/logfiles.xml is included in the project
used to install the shared descriptor -- but it doesnt seem to be called.
Any ideas on how to fix this?

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