Hi maven users !

I learned something some days ago, about maven-release-plugin about its
branch goal.

Currently, I execute following command line :

mvn --batch-mode
-DautoVersionSubmodules=true -DtagBase=tags/ -Dtag=1.0.0
-DupdateBranchVersions=true -DreleaseVersion=2.0.0
-DbranchBase=branches/ -DbranchName=2.0.0

My goal, here, is to create a new branch called "2.0.0" from the 1.0.0 tag.

It works great but I found something crappy : some commit were made on the
1.0.0 tag hierarchy.
That is to say, the plugin is acting this way :
- Checkout tag ${tagBase}${tag} in working directory
- Modify pom to ${releaseVersion}-SNAPSHOT & scm
- Commit pom (on tag 1.0.0 !!!)
--------- If something is going bad during the next two lines, your tag
hierarchy will be altered
- SVN Copy ${tagBase}${tag}/ hierarchy to ${branchBase}${branchName}/
- Re-Modify pom in working directory to ${tag}
- Re-Commit pom on tag 1.0.0

I would think it would act this way :
- SVN Copy ${tagBase}${tag}/ hierarchy to ${branchBase}${branchName}/
- Checkout ${branchBase}${branchName}/ in working directory
- Modify pom to ${releaseVersion}-SNAPSHOT
- Commit pom (on branch !) & scm

Would it be some reason why the first strategy is applied ?
Am I badly using release:branch goal ?

Thanks in advance for your precisions.

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