Attached is a sample of how I configure the builders (using
update-properties as my inter-module deps are via properties for this
uber-integration-project) the principle remains the same

On 19 October 2010 12:50, Stephen Connolly
<> wrote:
> On 19 October 2010 12:42, Benson Margulies <> wrote:
>> On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 7:28 AM, Stephen Connolly
>> <> wrote:
>>> because downstream is the trigger, the build checks everything out and
>>> uses an uber-aggregator build so that all the artifacts will be in the
>>> reactor which is how "mvn verify" can work (no need for clean because
>>> I do a clean checkout for every build)
>> I'm confused between the implications of 'uberaggregated' and
>> 'downstream'. You've combined all the pieces into one giant build that
>> is downstream of something else, right? OK, I see.
> it's downstream of the trunks of each of it's components...
> the trunk projects build svn as is and are triggered by svn trigger
> this is the "latest of everything project" and that builds only if the
> constituent trunk projects are building, and wht it is building is not
> the code in svn but the code in svn after re-linking to the
> reactor.... hmmm I think I might have a new feature for versions-m-p
> (versions:use-reactor)
> -Stephen
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