Im trying to get the release:branch goal to create a new branch in my scm
with a given version number, but it doesnt appear to be working.  Ive tried
various combinations of parameters from the release:prepare page, but none
of them seem to do what I want.

so far I have this:
mvn release:branch -DbranchName=TestBranch -DreleaseVersion=2.1.1
-DautoVersionSubmodules=true -DupdateWorkingCopyVersions=false
-DupdateBranchVersions=true -DupdateVersionsToSnapshot=false

When everything is done I want the following:
 - a new branch created named 'test branch'
 - pom files in the new branch updated to 2.1.1
 - do not prompt me for every single new version number
 - current branch should be left unchanged

So far what it seems to do is update my pom files to the new version number,
commit that, then change everything back to the starting version number,
commit that, make a new branch, and commit that.  ending up with a new
branch with no visible changes.

is it possible to do this with just 1 maven command?

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