
Danke, aber nicht genau was ich brauch... Wie ich konvertieren kann weiß
ich schon, ich will nur das Maven schreit wenn was nicht passt, und zwar
auf beide Systeme!

Sorry, for the other readers:

Thanks, but that's not what I was looking for... I know how to convert
the encodings, I just want Maven to report when something's wrong, and
preferably on both systems!

On 01-11-10 18:26, Martin Gainty wrote:
  > bauen ihr pom.xml mit ISO-8859-1
  > Viel Gluck,
  > Martin
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  > > From:
  > > To:
  > > Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2010 18:03:53 +0100
  > > Subject: maven-resources-plugin & file-encoding
  > >
  > > Hi all,
  > >
  > > I'm having some problems with the maven-resources-plugin. I am
  > > responsible for our CI-builds and have a Hudson set up on a Linux
  > > environment.
  > >
  > > Now, our developers are using Eclipse on Windows and therefore have
  > > inadvertently configured the resources to be encoded in 'Cp1252',
  > > instead of 'UTF-8'. Now some have accidentally included German Umlauts
  > > in the resources, which I agree shouldn't be done in the first place.
  > >
  > > The strange thing is that Maven builds without any problems on Windows
  > > (even telling us that it is using UTF-8 encoding on the
resources!), but
  > > it fails with an exception on Linux!
  > >
  > > Is there any way I can configure Maven to already fail the build on
  > > Windows or have it configured so that it works on Linux? I want the
  > > behavior of the two builds to be the same -- as it should be!
  > >
  > > Any help is greatly appreciated!
  > >
  > > --
  > > Roland Asmann
  > > Senior Software Engineer
  > >
  > > adesso Austria GmbH
  > > Floridotower 26. Stock T +43 1 2198790-27
  > > Floridsdorfer Hauptstr. 1 F +43 1 2198790-927
  > > A-1210 Wien M +43 664 88657566
  > > E
  > > W
  > >
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Roland Asmann
Senior Software Engineer

adesso Austria GmbH
Floridotower 26. Stock T +43 1 2198790-27
Floridsdorfer Hauptstr. 1 F +43 1 2198790-927
A-1210 Wien M +43 664 88657566

  >>> business. people. technology. <<<

Roland Asmann
Senior Software Engineer

adesso Austria GmbH
Floridotower 26. Stock              T +43 1 2198790-27
Floridsdorfer Hauptstr. 1           F +43 1 2198790-927
A-1210 Wien                         M +43 664 88657566

             >>> business. people. technology. <<<

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