An area we've been successful with in using profiles is to distinguish
between local builds and CI build to toggle Fat v Skinny WARs


Curt Yanko | Continuous Integration Services | UnitedHealth Group IT 
Making IT Happen, one build at a time, 600 times a day

> -----Original Message-----
> From: KARR, DAVID (ATTSI) [] 
> Sent: Friday, December 10, 2010 12:20 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Reasonable use of profiles?
> I've heard talk about the debatable value of profiles, and I 
> wanted to describe one use I might have for profiles, 
> although I'm still in the initial stages of converting a 
> large Ant environment to Maven, so things may change.  I'd 
> appreciate any comments.
> I think one basic reason that profiles become useful is that 
> we can't control every aspect of our environment.
> This "environment" as I describe it, consists of a large 
> enterprise web application, although there are actually 2-3 
> different EARS that are built for different but related 
> purposes.  The applications are composed of a bunch of 
> modules that are divided on functional and team boundaries 
> (front-end Java, back-end Java, web modules, middleware, et cetera).
> When developers build the present system, they have to check 
> out all of the modules that contribute to the EAR, and they 
> have to check them out with their default name, because the 
> build has hard-coded references to the directory names.
> The work for each release, about every month, is done on a 
> branch named for that release.  If the work for a release 
> includes changes in a particular module, then that module is 
> branched so that developers can do the work required for it.  
> Developers often have to do some work on more than one 
> branch, in the same module.
> So, in order to do a complete Ant build, you have to have all 
> the required module names checked out with their default 
> names.  Some modules can do unit and even "integration" unit 
> testing without building the EAR (back-end and middleware 
> modules), so that doesn't require checking out the module 
> with the default name.
> A typical strategy is to create separate Eclipse workspaces, 
> each of which has all the required modules checked out, but 
> for different branches.  Personally, I find it a pain to 
> switch workspaces in Eclipse, because I have a lot of 
> modules, and startup takes quite a while.  As a result, I 
> often end up checking out many modules with a name like 
> "<default>-<branchname>", especially if I don't have to build 
> the EAR with that module, but just be able to inspect the 
> code, or get unit/integration tests working.
> So, in converting this to Maven, I envision an almost 1-1 
> correspondence between the Ant projects and Maven projects, 
> except the "build" project will just run the build 
> (previously, we had sort of a "chain" system, where module 
> builds chained to the next required module), and "ear"
> projects will specify just the needed dependencies and the 
> assembly phase, not to mention a parent POM or two.
> I want to allow for the possibility of not requiring modules 
> to be checked out with their "default" names, so I want to 
> have module references that reference property values, 
> instead of hardcoded names.
> It seems to me that if I define a profile in my settings.xml 
> that corresponds to a branch, I can define the property 
> values for each module name, and then I can either specify 
> the profile on the command line, or if I'm working for a few 
> hours on one branch, I can just change the default profile.  
> I think this can work.
> Another desire I have is to allow for developers not even 
> building most of the modules, and just letting the "ear" 
> project pull snapshot artifacts from the Nexus repo (built by 
> the release team or continuous integration).  I could do this 
> with multiple "build" projects, including different sets of 
> "module" elements.  That seems messy, however.  I wish I had 
> different options for setting that up, perhaps in a profile, 
> but I don't see how that could work.
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