On 01/05/2011 04:36 PM, Steve Cohen wrote:
I am, for the first time, trying to use a nexus repository. I have read
all the information here:
http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-encryption.html on password
encryption and to the best of my knowledge, have followed it correctly
and set up my setting.xml, settings-security.xml and pom file correctly
to enable deployment.

And yet, when I try to deploy something to my repository, I get 401 errors.

The one question I am having is that I am using maven 3.0.1, whereas the
repo may be expecting 2.2.1. Would this make a difference here, and how
can I debug the situation?

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Another thing I notice is that

mvn -ep {password}

when run several times in succession generates different encryptions each time. Yet the instructions tell you to add the encrypted value to the settings file. Can this be right, or will several different encryptions yield the same unencrypted pw when decrypted?

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