This type of question should be addressed to the Maven user list. I've
forwarded it to there, where this thread should continue.

The answer that some things are missing in central is due to licensing. For
example, the oracle jdbc jar. They can't be added to central.
The solution is to install a repository manager (Nexus for instance) and add
these missing artifacts there.


On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 23:38, Beppe Sabatini <> wrote:

> Hi, we’re maven newbies and we’re hoping you can help us with a question
> regarding the maven repository. Or if you can’t help us, perhaps you can
> direct us to the right person! When we try to compile we get these error
> messages:
> Unable to find resource 'opensymphony:quartz-all:pom:1.6.2' in repository
> central (
> Unable to find resource 'javax.transaction:jta:jar:1.0.1B' in repository
> central (
> Unable to find resource '' in repository
> central (
> . . . checking on the server we find that they’re indeed missing. Do you
> have any idea how they could suddenly go missing, and what we might do to
> replace them or ask the owner to replace them?  Thanks in advance for any
> help you can provide.
> Beppe Sabatini
> Principal Software Engineer
> Trilliant
> Phone: +1.650.204.5094

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