Either I'm not explaining things well enough or you are assuming something
different and I think that is the confusion ... I am not building or using
the application projects or source code.  I'm not dealing with application
deployment, they are already deployed via other means and processes that I
am not directly plugged into.

My maven project is currently a set of Selenium-based, TestNG-driven,
stand-alone integration tests for 3 different applications, one that is
MediaWiki-based, one built on vBulletin and one that is a custom J2EE-based
web service.  These tests run on client machines.

 Profiles are curently working great for me...I merely hoped to find a way
to simplify them a bit.

I believe I am using maven exactly as stated in the maven profile intro at
http://maven.apache.org/guides/introduction/introduction-to-profiles.html where
it states:

"Profiles are specified using a subset of the elements available in the POM
itself (plus one extra section), and are triggered in any of a variety of
ways. *They modify the POM at build time*, and are meant to be used in
sets* to give *equivalent-but-different parameters for a set of target
environments* (providing, for example, the *path of the appserver root* in
the development, testing, and production environments)."

this is exactly what I'm trying to do for my project, target different
appserver roots for the different dev, test and prod environments for the 3
different applications I test, independently of the application build

The test environment information is all *stored in property files* outside
of the source code.  The tests are generic in that regard.  The maven
profiles simply help determine which properties file the test uses/loads via
a call to getResourceAsStream(profileID+".properties").  I don't see
how this is anti-Maven.

So for what I am doing, JNDI seems like overkill to set the application root
or affect run-time debugging levels.

Even if I do use JNDI, how does JNDI solve the problem of determining which
environment/settings are used at run-time?  Seems like I'd still need
profiles or something to tell my tests at run-time which environment to use,
regardless of whether they are stored in property files or in some database

As mentioned, the profiles are working great for me.  I just hoped I could
simplify the profile a bit to eliminate the duplicate, hard-coded config
value in each profile by doing something like *<config>${profile.id
}</config>* instead of *<config>staging</config> *or *<config>dev</config>.*

As an alternative to setting a system property via the surefire plugin, I
also wondered if there is any other way to communicate to my tests which
profile(s) is(are) loaded?

On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 4:27 PM, Ron Wheeler <rwhee...@artifact-software.com
> wrote:

> designed

Jeff Vincent
See my LinkedIn profile at:

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