Normally, you ear plugin should fit your needs. If it turns out not to do
all you want it to do, then possibly look at the assembly plugin.


On Sat, Feb 26, 2011 at 16:11, Celinio <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have this multiple module project where one module is the parent and 2
> other modules are children.
> One child module produces a JAR and the other child module produces a WAR
> archive (webapp).
> I would like to use the assembly plugin to join these 2 archives inside an
> EAR archive.
> Is there some example / tutorial out there ?
> I know there is also an EAR plugin but i'm still evaluating / testing these
> plugins so i am interested to know which one is best for this situation.
> Any idea ?
> Thanks for helping.

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