I'm thinking about moving all our version management into the parent
pom in a dependencyManagement section, but I'm trying to figure out if
it will really make things easier or not.

Of course each version number would only be in one place instead of N
places, where N is the avg # of reverse dependencies.  So that is
good.  But when changing the version # of a component, you still have
to update N places, to update them to the latest parent.  That is,
unless you are using a snapshot for the parent, but is that a
normal/recommended practice?

The problem I see with using a snapshot for the parent is it doesn't
allow you to make changes in a safe way.  I could update the version #
of a lower component, and then a much higher component could build
against that before all the middle components are built/deployed.
This may not be a problem for Java or C#, but for C/C++ with headers
and static libraries, it is a recipe for disaster.  We're talking
about things like inexplicable run-time crashes.

By having version management in each pom itself, I can safely make a
change to a lower component by upping the version # of its reverse
dependencies at the same time I update them to use the new version of
the lower component, and then follow that pattern as I go all the way
up the chain of dependencies.

Of course a continuous integration tool could be used to build all the
reverse dependencies up the chain for you, and such a tool is much
easier to set up when it doesn't have to worry about changing version
#s in the pom, but that still leaves open a possible race condition.
It could be only halfway through building/deploying all the components
when a developer tries to build a high level component and runs into
the problem I described.

Some of our components take a long time to build, so there is a very
real risk of this race condition.  So I don't know if it is worth it.
But maybe it is especially if it saves us time of building things
manually (which we have to do now because I haven't found a tool that
can kick off builds of reverse dependencies, and also up the version
numbers along the way.)


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