Hello folks,

I have a multi-module project which includes a pom-only module to
create a binaries uber-jar plus a corresponding sources jar using the
shade plugin. Now I want to add a jar of corresponding javadocs.
Unfortunately the shade plugin doesn't have a "createJavadocsJar"
parameter analogous to its "createSourcesJar", so I've been trying to
work out how to do it.

After reading the javadoc plugin docs I added the following section to
my uber-jar project pom:


This seems to work well if I run from the uber-jar module's directory.
When the build is run from the parent (top) directory no javadocs are
generated for the uber-jar project.

There is a javadoc section in the parent pom to build javadocs within
each standard module. Perhaps this is overriding the javadoc section
in the uber-jar's pom ?

I'm sure this must be a standard task. I'd be very grateful for any tips.

The full parent pom is here: http://jai-tools.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/pom.xml

The uber-jar project pom is here:


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