Hi everyone. If I configure my .m2/settings.xml to activate some profiles, is there a way to deactivate all of them on the command line "in one go", so I can use only explicitly typed profiles?
e.g.: Let´s say I have declared 4 profiles in settings.xml profile1,profile2,profile3,profile4 and configure they as active profiles. Now let´s say I want to run a build only with other profiles, like profile5 and profile6. But I dont want to run something like ' mvn -P!profile1,!profile2,!profile3,!profile4,profile5,profile6 package ' I would like something like ' mvn <magic_argument> -Pprofile5,profile6 package ' Is there such a "magic_argument" that ignores all profiles declared as active in settings.xml ? Thanks and regards. Rafael Vanderlei.