I'm a new user of Maven. I have a POM that is creating a signed jar using Maven 3.0.2 and maven-jar-plugin - that part seems to be working well, but now I want to integrate ProGuard in order to obfuscate the code before signing the JAR. Ideally I'd like to obfuscate the code before the Maven test phase so that tests will run on the obfuscated code, but the ProGuard docs seem to imply that I can only obfuscate the code after it's been packaged into a JAR. Has anybody run ProGuard on the pre-test-phase compiled classes, and if so how did you set up your POM and ProGuard configuration?

If it's true that I can only obfuscate a JAR then I'm not clear on how I would insert a ProGuard goal in between the point at which the JAR to be signed is created and the actual signing process - the docs for the proguard-maven-plugin aren't quite clear on how that's done. Do I need to split the process into a jar creation step using the maven-jar- plugin, a ProGuard step and then a signing step using the maven- jarsigner-plugin? and if so, how can I set this up so that the goals run in this order within the package phase without explicitly specifying them on the command line?


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