mvn clean install deploy

means the following

Mr Maven,
    please look up the clean phase in the standard lifecycles and
execute all phases in the lifecycle it belongs to up to and including
the clean phase
    please look up the install phase in the standard lifecycles and
execute all phases in the lifecycle it belongs to up to and including
the install phase
    please look up the deploy phase in the standard lifecycles and
execute all phases in the lifecycle it belongs to up to and including
the deploy phase

you will notice that install and deploy are in the same lifecycle with
deploy being just after install

On 6 April 2011 14:33, Novak Dalibor <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am experiencing a problem since I have my project configured to use
> maven-source-plugin. When I try to execute a "mvn clean install deploy"
> command the deploy plugin tries to uploadsources jar to repository twice.
> Since this is a nexus release repository it doesn't allow redeployment and I
> get an HTTP 400 error.  (see logs below)
> However when I run "mvn clean deploy" (without install) all works fine and
> sources jar is uploaded only once. Does anyone have any hints why I am
> experiencing this behaviour?
> I am running maven 2.2.1.
> Thanks,
> Dalibor
> [INFO] [deploy:deploy {execution: default-deploy}]
> Uploading:
> http://repository/content/repositories/thirdparty/com/mycompany/project/project-common/0.1.1/project-common-0.1.1.jar
> 51K uploaded  (project-common-0.1.1.jar)
> [INFO] Retrieving previous metadata from mycompany-thirdparty
> [INFO] Uploading repository metadata for: 'artifact
> com.mycompany.project:project-common'
> [INFO] Uploading project information for project-common 0.1.1
> Uploading:
> http://repository/content/repositories/thirdparty/com/mycompany/project/project-common/0.1.1/project-common-0.1.1-sources.jar
> 39K uploaded  (project-common-0.1.1-sources.jar)
> Uploading:
> http://repository/content/repositories/thirdparty/com/mycompany/project/project-common/0.1.1/project-common-0.1.1-sources.jar
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] Error deploying artifact: Failed to transfer file:
> http://repository/content/repositories/thirdparty/com/mycompany/project/project-common/0.1.1/project-common-0.1.1-sources.jar.
> Return code is: 400
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch

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