Make the classes into different jars (java 1.4 and 1.6) and add one ore the other as dependencies under different profiles.

Em 13-04-2011 15:01, Fernando Wermus escreveu:
Hi all,
     We have a proyect which we need to compile under java 1.4 for some
companies and 1.6 for other companies. The problem is that in java 1.6 we
have a class that implements an interface named ResulSet. Result changes its
methods from 1.4 to 1.6 because jdbc changes. Then we need to have an
implementation of Resulset for java 1.4 and another impl for java 1.6. What
we need is to add to our currents profiles a way to include or exclude some
class in the proyect with the same package and class name.

Is any solution from maven for this problem?

thanks in advance and I hope you have understood our problem.

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