dir /AD /X 
04/18/2011  08:49 PM    <DIR>          INSANE~1     Insane Long Folder Name

to do anything useful with this folder you'll need reference either the full 
name e.g.
rmdir "Insane Long Folder Name"

or reference the shortened name e.g.
rmdir INSANE~1

(or run maven in cygwin)
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> Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2011 10:11:11 +0930
> Subject: Re: SVN can not revert - VISTA can not copy it
> From: baerr...@gmail.com
> To: users@maven.apache.org
> On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 9:23 PM, Stadelmann Josef
> <josef.stadelm...@axa-winterthur.ch> wrote:
> > If I would be a maven developer I would make this path a bit more longer
> > to really see others go into problems as well as I do on my Vista PC;
> >
> > Error restoring text for
> > 'E:\asf\maven\maven-3\nb_trunk\maven-embedder\src\test\error-reporting-p
> > rojects\ext-plugin-artifact-missing\local-repo\org\apache\maven\errortes
> > t\ext-plugin-artifact-missing-maven-plugin\1\ext-plugin-artifact-missing
> > -maven-plugin-1.pom'
> >
> > AIt looks to me as  this was never said long ago by many other
> > developers. :-(
> >
> > I toke maven down using SVN checkout to a trunk, then I tried to just
> > copy it to a different directory and VISTA faild because the path is
> > just too long.
> Yeah, sucks to use Microsoft.
> Recommend shortening the path.
> E:\m3
> We have to do this with our eclipse development projects - they are a
> lot longer.
> Unfortunately at some point you run out of stuff that can be shortened
> and you are stuffed.
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