Ok, I solved this mystery... The reason it wasn't working was because
my reactor artifactId was name differently than the folder the reactor
pom.xml was sitting in. So my reactor's artifactId was dlm-cwa-reactor
and the folder (in svn) which this pom.xml was sitting in was dlm-cwa.

Once I changed the reactor artifactId to dlm-cwa, all worked just fine.

Thanks everyone for the help.


On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 1:22 PM, Yaakov Chaikin <yaakov.chai...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think I kind of understand what's going on, but not sure how to
> solve it. What's going is that maven is treating my reactor/root
> pom.xml as a project with the name dlm-cwa-reactor and when it tries
> to "copy" that project to a tag, it fails because no such path
> actually exists...
> This is evident from this:
> ***********************
> [INFO] Working directory: C:\Users\yaakov\workspaces\dlm-main\trunk\dlm-cwa
> [INFO] Tagging release with the label dlm-cwa-reactor-1.0...
> This line --->[INFO] Executing: cmd.exe /X /C "svn --non-interactive
> copy --file C:\Users\yaakov\AppData\Local\Temp\maven-scm-1505781146.commit
> --revision 738 
> https://dev.envieta.com:8443/svn/dlm/trunk/dlm-cwa/dlm-cwa-reactor
> https://dev.envieta.com:8443/svn/dlm/tags/dlm-cwa-reactor-1.0";
> [INFO] Working directory: c:\users\yaakov\workspaces\dlm-main\trunk\dlm-cwa
> [INFO] 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] Unable to tag SCM
> Provider message:
> The svn tag command failed.
> Command output:
> svn: Path 'https://dev.envieta.com:8443/svn/dlm/trunk/dlm-cwa/dlm-cwa-reactor'
> does not exist in revision 738
> ***********************
> Note that it's trying to copy from
> https://dev.envieta.com:8443/svn/dlm/trunk/dlm-cwa/dlm-cwa-reactor
> path, but no such path exists as the "reactor" pom.xml is sitting in
> https://dev.envieta.com:8443/svn/dlm/trunk/dlm-cwa/pom.xml.
> Any idea as to how to make maven understand that?
> -Yaakov.
> On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 11:56 AM, Yaakov Chaikin
> <yaakov.chai...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> svn info shows this:
>> $ svn info
>> Path: .
>> URL: https://dev.envieta.com:8443/svn/dlm/trunk/dlm-cwa
>> Repository Root: https://dev.envieta.com:8443/svn/dlm
>> I tried a few configurations, but they all end up with some variation
>> of the path .../dlm-cwa-reactor does not exist in revision 730 (or
>> whatever number it is at the moment).
>> When I look at the trasformed parent module's pom.xml, that section
>> looks like this:
>>        <scm>
>> <connection>scm:svn:https://dev.envieta.com:8443/svn/dlm/trunk/dlm-cwa/tags/dlm-cwa-reactor-1.0</connection>
>> <developerConnection>scm:svn:https://dev.envieta.com:8443/svn/dlm/trunk/dlm-cwa/tags/dlm-cwa-reactor-1.0</developerConnection>
>> <url>https://dev.envieta.com:8443/svn/dlm/tags/dlm-cwa-reactor-1.0/dlm-cwa</url>
>>        </scm>
>> To start with, it was this (after I changed it):
>>        <scm>
>> <connection>scm:svn:https://dev.envieta.com:8443/svn/dlm/trunk/dlm-cwa</connection>
>> <developerConnection>scm:svn:https://dev.envieta.com:8443/svn/dlm/trunk/dlm-cwa</developerConnection>
>>                <url>https://dev.envieta.com:8443/svn/dlm/trunk/dlm-cwa</url>
>>        </scm>
>> For the <connection> and <developerConnection> I tried specifying just
>> https://dev.envieta.com:8443/svn/dlm, but it still didn't work...
>> Any ideas?
>> Thanks for you help!
>> -Yaakov.
>> On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 2:59 PM, Wendy Smoak <wsm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 2:45 PM, Yaakov Chaikin <yaakov.chai...@gmail.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Did I configure scm wrong?
>>> How does that compare to the output of 'svn info' at the top of your
>>> project?  Usually a svn url has 'trunk' or 'branches' somewhere in
>>> it...
>>> The scm url should match the location of your pom.xml (minus the filename).
>>> --
>>> Wendy
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