I am trying to resume  a multimodule project that is nested.  I want to resume 
from a project that is in a project that is one level deep from the top level.  
I would assume that I would use "from" to say what folder to start from and 
"fromArtifact" to say what project to start.  This doesn't seem to work. It 
doesn't like both the settings at once.  If I leave off the folder and just do 
the artifact.  It tells me that I can't specify both the folder and the 
artifact.  The folder that it thinks it is using is "null", so it is taking a 
default.  I can't figure out a way to get it so "fromArtifact" is accepted.


mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-reactor-plugin:1.0:resume 
-Dfrom=leve2ProjectFolder -DfromArtifact=level2Project

Does anyone know how to make this work?



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