I'm using an ant build.xml that generates classes and compiles them with the
tools.jar from the JDK.

I am using MAVEN 2.2.1 version. JDK 1.5 to execute MAVEN. As maven 2.2.1
version supports higher then JDK 1.5 only so I have to use it.

This maven-antrun-plugin doesn't allow to specify neither source or target
version for the compiler.
So, the generated classes are compiled against the currently running JVM
which is JDK , using its rt.jar and the tools.jar provided in plugin
dependencies (or placed in the lib/ext directory of the jvm).

As Maven is executed in a 1.5 JVM (jdk1.5.0_22) is needed for my project to
compile these classes with JDK 1.4.2 version because the server where I want
to deploy them is running on a 1.4 JVM, so I am getting exception while I am
compiling with MAVEN plugin from my eclipse or command line.

I couldn't find a way to tell antrun to compile my classes using a different
java version.
I tried the following workarounds :

change the tools.jar dependency to point to a 1.4 version => as the compiler
uses the rt.jar from the currently running 1.5 JVM, the class file version
doesn't match (version 49.0, expecting 48.0)

add a dependency to a 1.4 rt.jar => it doesn't change anything, as the
rt.jar should be specified in the boot classpath.

Following one is the sample code which i am using.

                    <ant antfile="WPSEjb_build.xml"/>

I am getting exceptions something like this.

WPSClient.java:22: cannot access java.lang.Object
 [wlwBuild] [Build] bad class file:
 [wlwBuild] [Build] class file has wrong version 49.0, should be 48.0
 [wlwBuild] [Build] Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct
subdirectory of the classpath.
 [wlwBuild] [Build] public static WPSServerRemote getWPSServer() throws
MitchellException {
 [wlwBuild] [Build] ^
 [wlwBuild] [Build] 3 errors
 [wlwBuild] [Build] BUILD FAILED
 [wlwBuild] [Build] Compile failed; see the compiler error output for
 [wlwBuild] [Build]
 [wlwBuild] java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
 [wlwBuild] java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
 [wlwBuild]     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native
 [wlwBuild]     at
 [wlwBuild]     at
 [wlwBuild]     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:592)
 [wlwBuild]     at workshop.core.Compile.start(Compile.java:19)
 [wlwBuild]     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native
 [wlwBuild]     at
 [wlwBuild]     at
 [wlwBuild]     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:592)
 [wlwBuild]     at workshop.core.Starter.invokeStart(Starter.java:34)
 [wlwBuild]     at workshop.core.Compile.main(Compile.java:9)
 [wlwBuild] Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
 [wlwBuild]     at
 [wlwBuild]     at
 [wlwBuild]     at
 [wlwBuild]     at workshop.core.App$15.run(App.java:1000)
 [wlwBuild]     at
 [wlwBuild]     at
 [wlwBuild]     at workshop.core.App.exit(App.java:994)
 [wlwBuild]     at

Please let me know HOW CAN I SETUP JDK 1.4.2 Version to Compile my classes
by using maven-antrun-plugin.

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