Mailing lists are often overrun with people complaining and reporting bugs
and squabbles and whatnot.  I wanted to take a brief moment to simply say
thanks to all for what has finally evolved into a really useful product.

I love the fact that I can pull down most open source projects these days,
and, without really thinking too hard about it, pull up their pom.xml file
and at least have a rough idea of what they're trying to accomplish.

I love that building and installing such a project has become as simple as
mvn clean install.

I love that I don't have to get in the head of whichever
build-engineer-of-the-moment crafted a hand-rolled Ant or Gradle build.  I
love that as bulky and annoying as it can be, at least XML is declarative
and easily read.

Anyhow, thanks.  Maven is not an easy system to learn, but once you do it
pays off.


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