For lack of better articulation in the subject line, let me explain a bit
more in detail as to what I am trying to figure out.

In our organization we find ourselves building projects and distributing
them to a heterogeneous set of machines remotely for execution ( such as to
dynamicly generated hadoop clusters ). I used to build uber jars using maven
shade plugin and distribute that. Or get the dependencies locally using mvn
dependency:copy-dependencies locally and copy those libraries to the remote
machines. Either way, due to really abysmal internet bandwidth I find it
very slow ( yes, how we managed to end up with really crappy bandwidth and
high latency in a big city in California is still a mystery to me ). Takes
about 10 minutes to upload say a 50MB uber jar.

>From what I have noticed the effective pom gets included in the MATA-INF of
a jar ( using default package mechanisms ). Now, Is there any way given such
a jar file with an embedded pom, to use maven to download all the necessary


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