Thank's replay! So sorry!It's wrong!
I mean,only somebody download source.jar ,but can't download by default!
    Best Regards,

On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 11:41 AM, Barrie Treloar <> wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 12:05 PM, Cody Zhang <>
> wrote:
> > Hi,All
> >    Deploy source.jar to maven repository in Our company.
> > Maven repository is management by nexus of Sonatype.
> > We want that somebody access the source.jar when download binary jar?
> >    Best Regards,
> >        --Cody.Zhang
> >
> When you use the release plugin to release your artifacts, by default
> the "useReleaseProfile" will be true.
> This will "adds sources and javadocs to the released artifact, if
> appropriate." which will all be deployed with your main artifact into
> your company's Nexus repository.
> Then when other projects depend on your artifact they are able to
> download the source jar that belongs with that artifact.
> How you do that depends upon the ide,
> e.g.
> maven-eclipse-plugin
> (
> you specify -DdownloadSources=true
> m2e you would need to check their documentation - but it may do this
> automatically.
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