On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 6:35 AM, Paolo Castagna
<castagna.li...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to include  the *-sources.jar in a lib-src/ directory in my
> binary distribution (done via assembly) [1].
> The reason why I'd like to include the *-sources.jar in the binary
> distribution is because people using IDEs (and not Maven) can point at
> them and browse the sources of our modules.
> I tried doing this in my assembly-binary.xml [2] but I don't
> understand why is not working as I would expect:
>      <binaries>
>        <outputDirectory>lib</outputDirectory>
>        <unpack>false</unpack>
>        <dependencySets>
>          <dependencySet>
>            <outputDirectory>lib</outputDirectory>
>          </dependencySet>
>          <dependencySet>
>            <outputDirectory>lib-src</outputDirectory>
>            <includes>
>              <include>*:sources</include>
>            </includes>
>          </dependencySet>
>        </dependencySets>
>      </binaries>
> Can you help me?

have you verified that
is correct?

According to 
"(Many) When <exclude> subelements are present, they define a set of
dependency artifact coordinates to exclude. If none is present, then
<excludes> represents no exclusions. Artifact coordinatess may be
given in simple groupId:artifactId form, or they may be fully
qualified in the form groupId:artifactId:type:version[:classifier].
Additionally, wildcards can be used, as in *:maven-*"

Classifiers are sometimes tricky, I find you need to explicitly list
them as the default is that it is empty.


And fiddle around.

When you work it out, cosnider updating the documentation so your
wisdom can benefit others.

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