On Mon, 9 Aug 2004 20:34:20 -0400, Brett Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I strongly disagree.

So you'd rather not release early and often? That has nothing to do
with fixing bugs.

> I'd rather we fix all outstanding bugs (or at least scope out a
> release) for any release of a plugin now. We too often let bugs slide
> and have a bad reputation for it.

I think this is a combination of long release schedules and poor
testing. If releases are well tested and bugs are fixed quickly,
people would be happier than just waiting 'a year' for all outstanding
bugs to be fixed.

> If people really need new features, build from CVS. Put a new version
> on it when it is done and tested.
What if there are bugs fixed in the CVS version, critical ones even. I
don't see why they should wait for all outstanding bugs to be fixed
before releasing.

My 2c.

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