> I'm working on a large project that takes time to compile.  I would like

Realistically I think you should be looking for LOCAL help (from
someone else in your project team, who knows Maven better than you do
-- who set these projects up originally?) rather than asking here on
Maven Users...

> instruct Maven to only build the jar file, but after the build I have a tar,

This should be pretty simple since Jars are the default.

> tar.bz2, and a zip file.  I am brand new to Maven, but have converted a
> project to use Maven for the compilation of all component modules.  In

You "converted" from what - Ant?

> general, I want to indicate to Maven to only create me a jar with all
> dependencies rolled into that jar, and nothing else.  This can be for a

You do realize that very few classloaders will support the "jar in a
jar" approach, right? You should probably look into the shade plugin
if you seriously want to pursue this.

> So I have a parent pom that is the kind that aggregates all sub-modules.  In
> any given module that I want to generate an executable jar for, I have a
> section that looks like this:

Nothing that you've sent shows anything about tar, bz2 or zip. Is that
coming from another parent or a profile? Or later in the assembly.xml
file? Or elsewhere in the same pom file, and you just didn't send it?

> I don't have any concept of a profile right now, but I want right now to
> simply suppress the creation of all the extra build artifacts.  Is there a
> way to do that?

Try "mvn help:effective-pom" in your project dir to see the actual pom
as interpreted by Maven.


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