
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of Apache Maven 3.0.4

Release notes available: http://maven.apache.org/docs/3.0.4/release-notes.html .

Maven is a project comprehension and build tool, designed to simplify
the process of maintaining a healthy development lifecycle for your

You can read more here:


Downloads of source and binary distributions are listed in our
download  section:


A major goal of Maven 3.0.x is to be compatible, to the extent
possible, with existing plugins and projects designed for Maven 2.x.
Users interested in upgrading to 3.x should have a glance at the
compatibility notes for known differences between Maven 3.0 and Maven


Users who already use Maven 3.0.x are encouraged to update to this new
maintenance release.

If you encounter unexpected problems while using Maven 3.0.4, please
feel free to contact us via the Maven developer list:


Release Notes - Maven 2 & 3 - Version 3.0.4

** Bug
   * [MNG-4792] - Preemptive authentication doesn't work
   * [MNG-5064] - mvn -nsu (--no-snapshot-updates) should not download
snapshots (and break local builds)
   * [MNG-5096] - <exclusion> on <dependency> with
<type>test-jar</type> doesn't work in maven 3
   * [MNG-5113] - NullPointerException on javadoc site generation
   * [MNG-5131] - Wrong encoding for encrypted passwords
   * [MNG-5135] - Regression: in some cases aggregator mojo is unable
to resolve dependencies with custom packaging
   * [MNG-5137] - Reactor resolution does not work for forked multi
module builds
   * [MNG-5149] -
DefaultArtifactRepositoryFactory.createArtifactRepository overload w/
layoutId passes wrong (repo) id
   * [MNG-5153] - ModelMerger omits relativ path
   * [MNG-5155] - 'inherited' flag of report sets ignored.
   * [MNG-5157] - NPE stemming from DefaultModelBuilder.containsCoordinates
   * [MNG-5163] - MavenProject.getPluginRepositories misimplemented
   * [MNG-5164] - Odd <name> of central in superpom
   * [MNG-5165] - Problem with scp transport (wagon-maven-plugin
1.0-beta-3, Maven 2.2.1, Ubuntu 11.04)
   * [MNG-5192] - prevent ConcurrentModificationException in parallel
mode -Tx when project have errors
   * [MNG-5221] - Default version of m-site-p does not work (no reports)
   * [MNG-5224] - REGRESSION: Injected Settings in a Mojo are missing
the profiles from settings.xml
   * [MNG-5225] - The default version of the maven-site-plugin as
defined in the site-lifecycle must be 3.x

** Improvement
   * [MNG-4112] - Set property containing the currently executing maven version.
   * [MNG-5073] - ProjectBuilder.build(File,ProjectBuildingRequest)
returns null project if dependency version info is missing
   * [MNG-5076] - Improve SEO of documentation of lifecycle.xml
   * [MNG-5119] - improve site organization of core components
   * [MNG-5134] - Standard documentation for build-in properties
   * [MNG-5141] - Make MojoExecutor.ensureDependenciesAreResolved public
   * [MNG-5151] - use CNAME or repo to provide more stability
   * [MNG-5152] - upgrade wagon to the final 1.0 version
   * [MNG-5158] - Make loading of extensions from lib/ext more robust
with regard to existence of ext directory
   * [MNG-5159] - Extend validation of settings.xml to check for
uniqueness of id elements
   * [MNG-5175] - replace wagon http lightweight with wagon http 2.1
   * [MNG-5200] - upgrade plugin versions in super pom
   * [MNG-5201] - upgrade aether to 1.13.1 and sisu to 2.3.0

** Task
   * [MNG-5046] - Remove $Id$ from sources

** Test
   * [MNG-5114] - Handling unrecognized version qualifiers

** Wish
   * [MNG-5118] - add aggregated javadoc

Have Fun!
The Apache Maven Team.

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