Try uploading all at once using 'files', 'types' and 'classifiers'.

Or if you are on Nexus, deploy them using the UI, you can attach 
multiple artifacts there.

On 26.01.2012 15:08, jerem wrote:
> Hi,
> Using Maven 2.2.1, I deployed (with deploy:deploy-file through command-line)
> several artifacts with same version (SNAPSHOT), same artifactId and groupId,
> but different types.
> Here is the list I get in my nexus storage:
> myArtifact-1.0-20120106.101541-1.ear
> myArtifact-1.0-20120106.101541-1.ear.md5
> myArtifact-1.0-20120106.101541-1.ear.sha1
> myArtifact-1.0-20120106.101541-1.pom
> myArtifact-1.0-20120106.101541-1.pom.md5
> myArtifact-1.0-20120106.101541-1.pom.sha1
> myArtifact-1.0-20120106.101603-2.jar
> myArtifact-1.0-20120106.101603-2.jar.md5
> myArtifact-1.0-20120106.101603-2.jar.sha1
> myArtifact-1.0-20120106.101603-2.pom
> myArtifact-1.0-20120106.101603-2.pom.md5
> myArtifact-1.0-20120106.101603-2.pom.sha1
> myArtifact-1.0-20120106.101622-3.pom
> myArtifact-1.0-20120106.101622-3.pom.md5
> myArtifact-1.0-20120106.101622-3.pom.sha1
> myArtifact-1.0-20120106.101622-3.war
> myArtifact-1.0-20120106.101622-3.war.md5
> myArtifact-1.0-20120106.101622-3.war.sha1
> maven-metadata.xml
> maven-metadata.xml.md5
> maven-metadata.xml.sha1
> The problem now is that if I add the following dependency to a module pom :
> <dependency>
> <groupId>myGroup</groupId>
> <artifactId>myArtifact</artifactId>
> <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
> <type>ear</type>
> </dependency>
> ... build fails with following error :
> [INFO] snapshot myGroup:myArtifact:1.0-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from
> Downloading:
> http://host/nexus/content/repositories/MYREPO//myGroup/myArtifact/1.0-SNAPSHOT/myArtifact-1.0-20120106.101622-3.pom
> 471b downloaded (myArtifact-1.0-20120106.101622-3.pom)
> Downloading:
> http://host/nexus/content/repositories/MYREPO//myGroup/myArtifact/1.0-SNAPSHOT/myArtifact-1.0-20120106.101622-3.ear
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] Failed to resolve artifact.
> What happens is that maven, for this artifact, gets "timestamp-3" as last
> snapshot version (for the pom), and then tries to retrieve the ear with this
> same version with "timestamp-3", and in our case, it does not exist.
> If I only leave the "timestamp-1" pom, and rename the war so it has same
> version (timestamp-1), then it works and maven is able to download
> 1.0-SNAPSHOT of both ear or war.
> I tried "generatePom=false" for second deploy command but result was the
> same - except that only 1 pom was generated of course.
> I should I have deployed the war and ear in first place to avoid this issue
> ?
> Thanks,
> Jeremie
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Roland Asmann
Senior Software Engineer

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