Hey everyone I have been having a difficult time figuring out the best
process to work with maven when building webapps.  Here is how I started:
Eclipse 3, with myEclipseIDE and of course maven.  I had my webapp project
and another non-webapp project.  This was working pretty well, I had eclipse
set the nonwebapp project as dependent to my webapp, so whenever i deployed
it would jar up the classes and chuck them into my web-inf/lib folder and
everything was great.  All up until I found that I needed a resource from my
webapp to be placed on the class path, so something like
\src\resources\myContext.xml (Spring) needed to be sitting in
\WEB-INF\classes, or the root of my classes jar file.  Well maven handles
this easily by including it in the jar resources section.  However Eclipse
the only way to do this (as far as I am aware) is to put it into my
\src\java directory and have it copy it in with my classes.  And I DO NOT
like doing that because basically its just a hack.  Ideally I'd like to have
maven rebuild stuff anytime there are changes, kind of like eclipse's auto
build, however I don't know if thats feasible?  It just seems like your
fighting two battles using maven and an IDE, the first battle is to get
maven to work correctly in the commandline, and the second battle is to
attempt to have your ide do what maven does for includes and stuff.  I know
you can execute maven targets from within eclipse, and I've tried that, but
it gets annoying having to constantly click the targets every time you
change anything so you can see how it looks in your webbrowser.

Anyway I guess that was a lot of random thoughts put together.. I guess I'm
just curious how everyone else is doing this, I'm open to switching to
IntelliJ if i has a lot better support for this kind of thing.. eclipse has
been driving me nuts lately.
Thanks all,

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