I have just setup Artifactory 2.4.2 and Maven 3.0 in our environment.

I have this scenario which probably is pretty common in any dev environment
but just want to take inputs on the approach.

My current understanding :

- Only way that maven deploy phase uses to put artifacts in remote repo is
by reading "distributionManagement" tag in the pom.xml. There is no way to
configure the repo for deployment in settings.xml ( under ../conf as well
as user home dir)

Scenerio is :

If i have 100 development teams then :

- either every one need to have distributionManagement tag in 100 pom.xml
- We can has one super pom with the entries and all 100 dev team will
inherit this super pom.

Will appreciate if i can get some help around this on if my assumption are
correct or not , secondly what is the best way to handle this scenarios.

Thanks in advance

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