Documented behavior: "If subprojects inherit the site URL from a parent POM, they will automatically append their <artifactId> to form their effective deployment location."

This is the default behavior and currently cannot be switched off. If you want to change this, you have to explicitly set the url in all sub-projects.


David Kendall wrote:
Is there any way to control the exact upload location when doing a mvn

I am working with a code base that has a number of parent pom files -
different parents for different types of project. When i do a mvn
site-deploy the site is uploaded to something like....


What I really want is for the site-deploy to ignore the parent poms and
to upload to a pattern more like this....


In my parent pom I have tried adding specifying



.. but maven just appends the names of the parent poms to the paths anyway.

I am using maven 2.0.11 and deploying using SCP - in case this is

Is there any way to override the default upload path when deploying a site?


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