Thanks a lot for all answers.

> What do you mean by ignored? Explain this in more detail.
I compile and install jar from one project and using it in another project.
It is installed in local repository but it is not included into .classpath
. There are all external dependencies but not my own jar.

>What is the exact command line you used to install?
To build and install my jar into local repository I use just
"mvn clean", "mvn install" or from eclipse m2e's menu "install"

to include my jar into the eclipse's ".classpath" file of the other project
I use:
mvn eclipse:clean
mvn eclipse:eclipse

>Have you tried:
>1) mvn -X eclipse:eclipse and seeing if any of the debug reports
>removing or ignoring it
>2) backup .classpath .project and .settings then recreating
>3) Checking and older version in source control
>4) New instance of Eclipse
I tried all from above except mvn -X eclipse:eclipse. I will try it
tomorrow when I will get access to working computer.

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