I tried declaring the local repository in the settings.xml file but that resulted in the same error so I tried explicitly listing the repository in the pom.xml 'repositories' section. Here is a cut/paste from my pom.xml. I'm running the mvn install command from the same machine as the repository so server isn't specified.


I manually installed the jars using the following (example using borland.jar) and confirmed that they were installed in the repository.

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=borland.jar -DgroupId=com.storagetek -DartifactId=borland.jar -Dversion=1.0 -Dpackaging=jar


On 3/7/2012 1:05 PM, Wayne Fay wrote:
Thanks for the response.    The parent .pom file is in the following
directory - does the repository declaration need to be explicit to the
module folder level?    If so, how does it find different files within the
I don't understand your questions. I don't have a "repository
declaration" in my pom files though I may have one or more in my
settings.xml file.

Also you said earlier:
as well as jars that I have manually installed to the local repository.
How did you manually install them? What command(s) specifically?

And finally:
I have the local repository called out in the POM with an address
that resolves fine if pasted into a browser.
Can you copy and paste that "local repository" configuration from your
POM? Feel free to change server names etc to hide secrets.


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