
As you already mentioned: although Sonar gives you the best reports, it requires a running Sonar application. I once needed the static pages and the dashboard-maven-plugin seemed to be the best solution.
I wasn't happy with the implementation and the number of open issues.
A long time ago I started rewriting the plugin[1]. I came pretty far. It became pluggable (you can decide which reports you want, add your own reports), but I had some generics-issues I wasn't able to solve. This plugin is still on my todo list, but there are much more important things I like to pick up first.
I'd be glad if you want to take the challenge to help on this plugin.


[1] http://svn.codehaus.org/mojo/branches/rfscholte/dashboard-maven-plugin/ (not sure of its state, but that's why it is a private branch)

Op Wed, 07 Mar 2012 14:02:25 +0100 schreef Lucas Persson <lucas.pers...@oracle.com>:


I am in search for a nice way to compile all reports for a Maven build.
I have for instance JUnit results, findbugs results and code coverage
results (using Emma).

The maven site plugin does not really aggregate info so that I can get
the total number of findbugs bugs so I started to look at the dashboard
plugin from codehaus, but that plugin does not seem to get developed any
more. And there is not way to support Emma in it either.

Sonar seems to be a good initiative but that seems to require a running
server which I can not fit into our build environment.
I am locked downed to just creating a static html site that some other
will publish for me.

Any tips in this area is highly welcomed!


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